Pranayama series: Brahmari- Bee breath

Great breathing practice to relieve mental tension and soothe the mind. To give brahmari breath a go in an actual yoga class can be a little challenging for those of us who are a little self conscious or shy about making a noise. Don’t let this stop you to reap the amazing benefits of experiencing the vibration during your…

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Pranayama series: Piston breathing variation

Experience how the breath affects the muscles of the body during yoga practice. Did you know that if you work with your breath, some exercises are easier – such as breathing in when you lift into a Locust/ Shalabhasana which is a back extension, so it uses all the muscles along the back of the body. Or when you go…

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Feel-Good yoga course – week 8 newsletter: Shoulder Clock

Well done everyone you have completed your 8week yoga course. You have come quite a way during our 8 weeks together! To mention just an few things: you became steady in your Tree pose, assumed beautiful strong inversion with the downward facing dog, became grounded and strong in your warrior 2, and created amazing vibration with your Huming-bee breath. And after…

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Feel-Good yoga course – week 7 newsletter: Dynamic wind-relieving pose/ Apanasana & Alternate leg drop/ Dynamic Baddha Konasana

2nd last yoga homework, can you keep it up? This week you get two exercises that compliment each other beautifully. They are great for easing tension and mobilising the lower back spinal segments. I hope you feel these little movement challenges are helping you bring a little physical yoga into each day without it having to be a formal…

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