Un-glue your middle and upper back with this simple mobilising exercise
Today, I would like to share this Feldenkrais shoulder spine integrator exercise with you. What I love about it is how simple and effective it is in un-gluing a stuck middle / upper back. All the sitting and being hunched over that we do on a day to day basis is compressing the thoracic spine and reducing the mobility in rotation – you might notice over the years it has become harder to turn your head and your torso far enough to check something behind you. I know quite a few of you are a bit stiff and stuck in the area between the shoulder blades, which can easily be one of the reasons you have discomfort and possibly pain or tension around the shoulder and neck area. Lack of mobility in this area can also affect your breathing pattern, taking away quite a bit of your chest expansion and with that the tidal volume that we discussed recently.
Give this shoulder/ thoracic spine integrator a go and see how much more freely you will move once it takes effect. No need for crazy manipulation, just let the body sort it out by re-learning the rotational movement and gently releasing the tight areas through smooth gentle repetitions.
Sorry for the black and white images/ videos, I shot this quickly last night after coming back from teaching and if you have met me you know that I am a chameleon – changing colour easily đ
Feldenkrais shoulder spine integrator
Benefits of this exercise:
â mobilises the shoulder girdle
â helps release tension in the upper and middle back
â can help improve rotary movements for golf, tennis, hockey or throwing sports
â improves and deepens breathing by improving circulation to the lungs
â can improve the immune system by stimulating the Thymus gland
â it also helps with melancholia, fears concerning loneliness, commitment and/ or betrayal
â improved physical health of the back and spine, can help remove backache and keep spine supple
â can improve posture
â better shoulder function
â balance, compassion & self-acceptance
â deeper knowledge about beliefs related to love and relationships
â increased personal power and self will and self-worth
â unconditional acceptance of self and others
Contradictions/ Precautions:
– people suffering from acute back, neck or shoulder injuries.
Counter pose:
Corpse pose/ Savasana – lay on your back arms relaxed by your side. (feet can stand up and knees rest together to take the tension out of the lower back)
Affirmations or Mantras to go with this movement:
1) âI accept things are as they are.â
2) âI deeply and completely love and accept myself.â
3) âI am grateful for all love that is in my life.â
Once you finished your practice, spend a short time in a neutral position such as corpse pose on your back.
My challenge for you is to do this exercise before you go to bed every night just for a couple of minutes each side or until you feel you move more freely.
As you practice the Feldenkrais shoulder and spine integrator, you want to focus on moving with ease as smoothly as you can, taking note on which part of the movement does not seem smooth. Pay attention to your breath and the feeling in the back, shoulder and neck area, sending positive healing thoughts to any tight spots you may feel.
This practice should  not be painful, if you feel pain stop. Continuing will cause the muscles in the area to tighten to protect you from further injury or aggrevation. It’s ok if this movement is not right for you today, try it again another time when you feel better. Above all, listen to your body, it speaks to you constantly – to get well you need to start listening.
Remember you can pick one of the Affirmations above that resonates with you to repeat whilst you practice; this can help reprogram your cells at a deeper level as you work on your heart chakra.
A couple of questions you can ask yourself:
“Do you put on a good face?” learn to detach yourself from your feelings once you acknowledged them.
“Are you compassionate or do you judge others?” Everyones’s reality is different. Understand that no one can hurt you. It is how you react to what they do or say that is the cause of your pain.
I hope you are enjoying the exercises and information I am posting for you.
If there is something you would like to know more about or would like to address, drop me an email and let me know, I may write a post just about that topic if I feel I can help.