Feel-Good yoga course – week 5 newsletter: Wide Legged Forward Bend/ Prasarita Padottanasana

Well done, you have passed the half way mark of your 8 week course!

Ready to get an all-round stretch this week? The wide legged forward bend can help you feel more grounded and calms the mind, it can also help relieve mild backache caused my muscular tension.
If you have missed any of the previous exercises and their benefits, visit www.castleford-yoga.co.uk/blog/ I have added all the postures with new images to the website to make the available to view again and again.
Maybe you feel like doing a little yoga one weekend and can’t remember what would be useful, I chose every single posture/ asana specifically for the guys of the 8 week course who were suffering with various levels back and neck issues.



Wide Legged Forward Bend/ Prasarita Padottanasana

Benefits of this exercise:
– aligns/ decompresses spinal segments
– improves muscles tone in the front of the leg
– stretches back/ inside of the legs, opens the hips, the front of the shoulders and chest
– massages the abdominal area and aids digestion
– increases blood flow to the brain
– can tone and balance the function of the liver, stomach and bowels
– it also helps with melancholia, fears concerning loneliness, commitment and/ or betrayal

– relief from mild low back ache, as long as the condition is not serious
– improves muscles tone in the front of the legs and core
– improves flexibility of the back of the legs and hips
– can prevent sciatica
– can energise and help concentration
– emotional grounding, stability and security
– ability to stand up for oneself
– calms stress caused by triggered survival instinct and physical needs that are not catered for
– may help with anxiety
– increase energy levels
– improved digestion/ elimination
– balance, compassion & self-acceptance
– deeper knowledge about beliefs related to love and relationships
– increased personal power and self will and self-worth
– unconditional acceptance of self and others
– can help counter act long hours sitting at a computer


Contradictions/ Precautions:
– people suffering from from eye and ear problems e.g. glaucoma, high blood pressure – avoid dropping the head – keep upper body horizontal to the floor, back injuries or disc problems.

Counter pose:

Tadasana/ Mountain pose with mini back bend, hands in small of the back to support.


Affirmations or Mantras to go with this movement:

1) “I view my life from a different perspective and see its potential” (root)

2) “I am taking responsibility for my life. I can cope with any situation.” (root)

3) “I love myself for who I am and the potential within me.” (heart)
Once you finished your practiced, spend a short time standing tall and grounded in Tadasana, the mountain pose and appreciate your body and mind.

My challenge for you until I see you next week 27th October is to do this exercise before you go to bed every night just for a couple of minutes.
– instructions below in the image.

Try it a couple of repetitions you might find it becomes easier, more comfortable leaving you feeling relaxed and calm.
As always ensure you do not feel any pain. Train your compassion muscle.
Feel free to pick one of the Affirmations above that resonates with you to repeat whilst you practice this can help reprogram your mind at a deeper level as you work on your root and heart chakra.
If this asana is not for you at this point in time, be forgiving to your body and sit it out, as we keep practicing you will become more able to do all the things you want to do.


A couple of questions you can ask yourself:
“Does your home reflect who you truly are? If not, how can you change it?” (root)

“What reward have you give yourself today? A gift, an affirmation, praise, or good turn?” (root)

“Do you respond to others through the mind and the intellect rather than the heart? Tune in to your heart’s message. Focus on what you truly feel, without judging. The heart has the answer.” (heart)

I look forward to hearing how you get on with this new challenge.
Keep warm and look after yourself.

